Economic Organization to Come

As high production rate as possible, satisfying all the needs of the people, including those that could be considered somewhat excessive. Much freedom in the redistribution of products according to the immediate requests and wants of the people.

People's interests and wishes are of primary importance, and the society is a tool for satisfying them.

However, the people are interested in developing and improving the society and its economy to ensure their own well-being through the general increase of wealth.

No possessions of any kind, neither private nor collective. The very idea of property relates to the past.

No wage labor. People do what they like to do, and what they are interested in. Any work is considered as a part of the common activity of the society, of equal importance for the whole. One's choice of occupation is always respected, and the desire of change is accepted as justified; the necessary conditions for any kind of occupation change are ensured.

No money and trade. The products are distributed according to the people's needs and in accordance with the current level of production, without any privileges or exceptions.

People working, but never earning their life. The product of their work does not belong to anybody, be it a single person or a social group. Rather, it is a part of the gross social product that should be distributed between all the members of society. One is always sure to have one's share of the common wealth, regardless of one's contribution.

No competition at all. No industrial secrets, free exchange of technologies. Any invention increasing the efficiency of production is encouraged, but there is no need in any special author rights on the invention, since everybody shares every kind of social wealth.

Products are distributed according to the needs of the people, but within the current public income. Everybody knows the principles of distribution and has complete information about any decisions taken. Rational self-restriction as the only regulatory mechanism.

Reasonable consumption. Nobody is trying to get more than is really needed, and more than can be available at the current level of economic development. If something cannot be obtained in sufficient quantities, it should be distributed among those who either needs it more or can use it more efficiently, until the humanity finds the way to completely satisfy the public needs. Any insufficiency stimulates rearrangment of the public activities in order to eliminate it.

The system of distribution is designed to favor the limit cases, to support social and economic experimenting. While the main bulk of the social needs is satisfied with a certain percent of the total income, the rest is used to extend the "wings" of economy, explore the risky areas. Moreover, if some direction of development seems to be very promising, people can deliberately reduce their normal consumption rate, to put more into research.

Highly developed means of communication, both material and informational. Everybody can contact everybody, and any thing can be delivered to any place. No travel limitations.

Safe transport. Priority of the pedestrian.

Centralized regulation of transport flows. Advanced optimization to avoid interference between passenger and cargo transport.

Flexible means of transport. Mass transport along with the variety of individual vehicles borrowed anywhere when needed. Personal cars can only be a kind of hobby, and no need to have any machines at home since anything can be borrowed from the stock for a particular task.

No speed bumps. Smooth road system designed to have efficient, rapid and smooth transit. Any obstacles removed. Technical and social control prevents transit disturbances.

Vehicles are engineered to have or produce practically no vibration or noise.

No permanent professions and fixed jobs. Everybody can do anything, after a special training provided at will. People can change their occupations without any social consequences. However, people have a strong feeling of duty and will never drop any activity unless this is safe enough and economically admissible. The economy is organized so that the occupations of the people are flexible, and there is no need to keep people working too long in one position. Diversity of skills is encouraged. Still, no objections if one decides to stick to a single occupation for a long time.

Reproduction of population is like any other reproduction. It must be entirely controlled by the society, including both physical reproduction and spiritual development.

Children are brought up by the society as a whole, knowing nothing about their parentage, as well as the parents never know those who were born using their genetic material. In the far perspective, completely programmed artificial birth process requiring no parents at all.

All the technologies are oriented on maximum flexibility, with mass production feasible if needed. Any new product can be manufactured as soon as it has been requested by an individual, easily reprogramming the manufacturing facilities.

Trying to eliminate the roots for the problems rather than fixing errors; proactive rather than reactive economic policy.

Hard physical work practically eliminated, technologies do not need it. Most effort is concentrated in the intellectual sphere. People are concerned with designing tools suited for a particular task, rather than mass production of articles using the already designed tools. Every operation that has once been effectuated is immediately automated, to avoid the necessity of further human intervention.

However, people still get trained to do physical work, to develop their intuition and intellect through muscular activity. They can survive in an uncultivated environment due to their universal creativity, the ability to adapt natural things to cultural needs. Vast knowledge in all the technological areas allows people to find prompt solutions in emergency.

There are no fixed working hours; people can distribute their work so that they would not interfere with each other's activities. These are only conventional limitations that can be easily shifted, if necessary.

The surface of the Earth (or any other planet, as well as the outer space) is used in a rational way, with an optimal distribution of industrial zones and living areas. Most industry resides outside the Earth. There is no need to settle around the industrial centers, since most operations can be remotely controled, and the transportation system is fast and efficient.

Each activity presumes some distribution of roles, and every role is of equal importance. The distribution is flexible, it can be easily changed whenever necessary, but people would not do that for a whim. Rather, the objective organization of each task will produce a new role structure. No leaders. If somebody has to take decisions, they are suggested to the rest of the team, rather than demanded from them. Still, the members of the team can temporarily make some of them a kind of arbiters, to avoid sticking in too many alternatives.

[Utopia] [Philosophy] [Unism]